Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Qingdao Technological University & Study in qtech

Guide for International Students

● Study

Compulsory courses for Chinese language students and the undergraduate majoring in Chinese are usually conducted from 8:00 to 12:00 am every Monday through Friday, with elective courses held in the afternoon. These elective courses include Chinese Culture, Chinese history, Business Chinese, English etc. International students enjoy national festivals and holidays of China and the summer and winter vacations of the university.

The university provides a tutorial course for the HSK exam taught by highly qualified teachers. These classes required an additional fee.

● Study tours

In the Spring and Autumn, International Office regularly organizes study tours to historical and scenic places for international students. The university covers part of the costs.

● Scholarships

In order to encourage international students, the university has established a scholarship fund. Those who attend classes regularly and perform excellently in their studies have an opportunity to be awarded a scholarship.

● Arrival and Registration

International students must report to the International Office of Q-Tech with 8 passport type photos, the passport, Admission Notice, JW202 or JW201 and Physical Examination Record for Foreigner at the time specified in the Admission Notice. Those who fail to register without the prior consent of International Office will be considered as voluntarily giving up the enrollment and those who are unable to register at specified time must seek permission from the International Office.


(1) All applicants should be at least 18 years of age and in good health. 

(2) All certificates presented in the application should be in Chinese or English. 

(3) Application materials and fees are nonrefundable, whether or not the applicants are accepted by the university. Cash or postal remittance should be used to pay the application fee; personal checks are not accepted.

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